

The first session includes completing assessment questionnaires and contracting (covering confidentiality and other aspects of the counselling process). The questionnaires provide a clinical measurement of your current areas of difficulties and offers a baseline to compare further assessments throughout your counselling journey and when it comes to an end.

Once you have worked out the goals you would like to achieve, we can agree on how many sessions may be required to achieve the necessary progress, this can be reviewed regularly. It is recommended that at least 6 sessions is required to begin to see changes and depending on the amount of work required, extra sessions can be added accordingly. Weekly sessions are beneficial especially in the first six sessions to allow the therapeutic relationship to grow and the sessions to flow.

I offer sessions face to face and online if you prefer. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch to book a free 20 minute introduction call with me. Or if you wish to go ahead and book your first session click here.